Saturday, January 3, 2009

January 3, 2009 (Part III)
For New Year’s Eve we popped fireworks early for Mia. She was sleeping by 10:00. We saved the rest of the fireworks for her to see on New Years Day when it got dark but she started running fever and had to go the emergency room at Children’s Hospital. She didn’t want to go, she cried and said she didn’t want them to poke her port and stay at the hospital. It broke all of our hearts, big time. Anytime she runs fever of 100.4 Krystal automatically has to call the hospital to let them know she is on the way. They put her on strong antibiotics (in her port) and gave her a blood transfusion. Her ANC went up to 60 but went back down to 0 today. The doctor initially said she may be able to come home after 72 hours. We can only hope and pray. We are not sure what’s going to happen because she was scheduled to go for a overnight treatment on Tuesday and come back every day for the next three days for more treatment. Since all of this has happened we are not sure if they can still do the treatment as planned. Please pray for our little Miss Mia Grace to have the strength to get through this. We love her with all of our hearts, Miss Mina Moo.